Competitions · Meetings · Writing resources

NaNoWriMo – The ultimate creative writing challenge


Fancy yourself a writer? Dreamed of writing that book…one day…well why wait!

It’s time for the ultimate creative writing challenge during National Novel Writing Month.

Are you ready for this?!

On 1 November people from all around the world will start with the goal of writing a 50000 word novel by midnight on 30 November.

That’s right! You get to be part of an international movement to get writers all around the world to do what they do best… write! Sounds like a lot of pressure but get this…you aren’t competing with anyone but yourself. You can make use of support groups and motivational resources as much as you want  and you don’t even have to show anyone your work. All you have to do is write!

Keen?! Well sign up on the Nanowrimo website by clicking here. What’s more…it’s FREE!

I will also be starting a Scribbles & Giggles NaNoWriMo support group where we can:

  • Share our ideas and get feedback
  • Organize fun writing sessions and explore the cafes of Prague
  • Share resources
  • Give and gain support

Anyone interested? Please sign up to the Scribbles & Giggles NaNoWriMo group in our Facebook group.






40 minutes stories · Meetings

40 minute stories: What? Why? Who? Where? When?

Oi! Things are about to go from awesome to shiny-mind blowing-special effects-time travelling-globe hopping-glitter and rainbows-AWESOME!

So, as many of you know, a fortunate few of us meet twice a month in Prague to create stories based on creative writing prompts. It’s magic – you come in with nothing and 90 minutes later…BAM… you’ve made a couple of friends and written a brand new story.

I’m sure many are sad that they can’t join us due to time and geographical constraints but FEAR NOT! With the magical powers of the interwebs at our fingertips we can connect and create! Yes, that’s right. After every writing session I will share the prompts through this website so that YOU can enjoy the magical world of creative writing too!

*crowd goes wild*

This is what you have to do:

Step 1: Sign up for emails through this website by clicking on the grey ‘follow’ button on the right of the webpage.

Step 2: Send me an email to request your very own personalized writing prompt.

Step 3: Write a story in maximum 40 minutes (the creativity lies in the constraints) in the comfort of your very own ANYWHERE!

Step 4: Send the story to and I’ll share it with the world

This section of the Scribbles and Giggles Blog is a space for all the stories that are created in and out of our meetings. Send your stories to and I’ll share them for all to enjoy and comment on.





Each meeting will allow members to:

  • write (based on creative writing prompts provided)
  • share their work with other writers
  • meet other people who love words
  • and above all else…HAVE FUN!
  • Note: This is a critique and excuse free environment!

Place: TBA

Booking: Note that a maximum of 6 people can attend a meeting so it is important to confirm your desire to attend as soon as possible. Confirm your attendance by emailing or confirm on our Facebook group

If more than 6 people wish to attend a meeting then a second meeting will be arranged in the same month.

The date, time, venue, frequency of meetings and amount of people may change in the future according to agreement.